
Male initiative gained recognition when the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. Louis W. Sullivan, made it a special project in 1993. We live in an era of increasing fatherlessness--at a time when male role models are desperately needed. But, we also live in a time of fear whereby men who are involved with children can end up becoming suspects. Consciously or unconsciously, childhood professionals tend to shy away from hiring male workers or encouraging male involvement in the classroom.

Research indicates that children spend the vast majority of their time watching television. What they see has a direct bearing on mental development. They see very little male involvement in the lives of children, but they see a great deal of male involvement in violence.

The role of fathers and males is often over looked in an effort to increase parental involvement in early childhood programs. However, it is very important that children are provided the opportunity to interact with males, as well as females. Both males and females play a special role in the lives of children.

The introduction of males role models must be done for the present generation of children in the hope that the next generation will not face the same or similar problems. Thus, we have the responsibility to work very actively to determine the significant male in the life of each child.

Why target males when they are viewed as the primary cause of the problem facing so many children today? We can't protect children from male influence whether it is positive or negative. Providing positive role models may be a major strategy in assisting the present generation of children, and this effort avoids another generation of children facing the same problems. Every male that becomes involved could be the difference in the life of a child or children in this generation and the next generation. For each male that is saved, by getting them involved in the education of the children can very possibly mean the difference in the lives of the next generation. So, whether this is a popular idea or not, this must always be Head Start's priority. This by no means is an attempt to minimize the roles females play, in the lives of children. They have done an excellent job, and they must continue. But, there is one fact that must be faced, and this is, children and especially boys are going to have regular and consistent interaction with a father or male role model. Therefore, the best role model for the children should be presented.

Plan of Action:

MAP proposes to organize as many males as possible to provide various services to each Head Start center. The intent is to get males involved in the life and education of their children and children in general.


To promote male involvement in the lives and education of young children.

To provide children with positive male role models.

To view some Male Initiatives events at MAP click here.

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